Health Coaching


How Would Your Life Look if You Eradicated ALL Negative Beliefs About Food?

You were born with a healthy relationship with food.

 You didn’t come into this world craving candy, chips, and cookies. 

You ate when you were hungry and you stopped when you were full. 

You were a healthy weight. You were comfortable and confident in your skin. 

But somewhere along the way, you developed negative beliefs about food and your body… 

About being too fat or too thin… 

Feeling out of control around food. 

You developed cravings. 

Foods you simply couldn’t resist. But you tried. 

A whole host of diets have failed to deliver lasting results for you. 

Inevitably, you cave in to your cravings — and the cycle begins again

. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Science shows that 80% of diets are ineffective.

You haven’t failed by struggling to stick to a restrictive diet. Diets have failed you. Why? Because diets focus on the wrong thing. 

To gain complete freedom from a negative relationship with food and your body, we need to change what’s in our minds, not what’s on our plates. 

It’s time to reclaim the healthy relationship with food you were born with. 

All it takes is two steps: The first step is to uncover and understand the beliefs and emotions you attach to food. 

The second step is to replace them with powerful mental frameworks that help you develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

What Does Healthy Living Mean To You?

Do you want to finally reach and maintain your ideal weight with ease?

 Do you want to be free from the food cravings that consume you? 

Perhaps you want to be able to look in the mirror and like what you see? 

Maybe you want to feel healthier, more energized, and ready to face life with renewed confidence? Imagine a life where you never had to diet again. 

No more deprivation. No more cravings. No more comfort eating. 

Just an effortlessly healthy lifestyle and a body you are proud of. 

If any of this resonates with you, you will love the 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge with Dr Vivian Join the challenge and transform your relationship with food — for good.

How The Challenge Works

Over the next three weeks, Marisa will personally guide you on an empowering path to uncover your deep-rooted limiting beliefs around food and remove them altogether. You will then replace these with powerful new beliefs that allow you to live the healthy life you deserve. 

Each day you will get access to a video and activity from Dr Vivian. This is different from a typical course in which you listen and learn; this is about taking action and making a change. 

To make sure you truly transform, we’ve put together something special and unique to guide you every step of the way:

The 21-Days Curriculum

Do you want to finally reach and maintain your ideal weight with ease?

 Do you want to be free from the food cravings that consume you? 

Perhaps you want to be able to look in the mirror and like what you see? 

Maybe you want to feel healthier, more energized, and ready to face life with renewed confidence? Imagine a life where you never had to diet again. 

No more deprivation. No more cravings. No more comfort eating. 

Just an effortlessly healthy lifestyle and a body you are proud of. 

If any of this resonates with you, you will love the 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge with Dr Vivian Join the challenge and transform your relationship with food — for good.

The 21-Days Curriculum

– Onboarding: Setting Yourself Up For Success

This warm-up content aims to help set the stage for your success in this challenge. Discover how this challenge is structured & how to get the most out of it by maximizing your motivation, completing the self-assessment, and taking advantage of the accountability system.


1 – Welcome To The 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge. How Is This Challenge Structured & How To Get The Most Out Of It


2 – Maximise Your Motivation To Complete The Challenge


3 – Take The Pre-Challenge Self-Assessment


4 – You Are Not Alone: The Accountability System

– Week 1: The Foundation Of Your Healthy Food Relationship

Summary: In this stage, we’ll learn the initial building blocks of a healthy relationship with food. This is your North Star for this challenge.


Day 1 – Visualise Your Perfect Weight & Healthy Lifestyle (with NICER Meditation)


Bonus: Vision Board & Vision Book


Day 2 – Change Your Inner Critic To Your Cheerleader


Optional: The Accountability System


Day 3 – What You Eat vs. What’s Eating You


Day 4 – The 8 Destructive Eating Patterns


Bonus: Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight?


Day 5 – Change The Way You See Yourself & Food


Day 6 – Your Mind Wants To Return To What Is Familiar


Day 7 – The Most Powerful Connection: Food Equals Love


Bonus: FAQ with Dr Vivian

– Week 2: Rewire Your Mind For Ideal Weight

Summary: You have to change your habits of thought before you can change your habits of eating. In this stage, we’ll locate the things that have been holding you back and then eliminate them for good.


Day 8 – Food Has Memories: Uncover The Root Cause Of Your Eating Behavior (with Root Cause Hypnosis)


Day 9 – Overcome The Fear Of Rejection & Seeking Approval


Day 10 – The Key Driver Of Human Behavior


Day 11 – Get Rid Of Conflicting Beliefs About Food


Day 12 – Remove The “Secondary Benefits” Behind Your Food Choices


Day 13 – The Key To Achieving Long-Lasting Change: Your Self-Image


Day 14 – Wire In & Code In An Empowering Relationship With Food (with Hypnotic Audio)


Bonus: FAQ with DR Vivian

– Week 3: Living Life With Food Freedom

Summary: In this stage, you’ll continue to practice and refine what you learned. We’ll introduce some simple lifestyle changes that will allow you to achieve and maintain your ideal weight and live a healthy life.

Day 15 – Willpower Vs. Will & Power

Day 16 – Eat From The 5 Rs (re-create at home)

Day 17 – Put An End To Cravings

Day 18 – Stop Stress Eating

Day 19 – Create A Consistent Bedtime Routine

Day 20 – How To Stay Slim

Day 21 – Living Life With Food Freedom (with NICER Meditation)

Bonus: Take The Post-Challenge Self-Assessment

Day 22 – Success Session with Dr Vivian

What You Get in the Challenge


As you can see, the total value of this challenge is $1190.

However, you won’t be paying anything near that amount. We are offering this to you for only a fraction of the normal investment because we want to make this accessible to as many people as possible and charge just enough to cover the production costs.

That’s why you won’t be paying the full price.

So if you’re ready to finally claim the healthy body and lifestyle you deserve, enroll here:

Join the Thousands of People Who’ve Already Unlocked Deeper Connections With the 21-Day Meaningful Relationships Challenge From Dr Vivian