Dr Vivian Atud Youtube Course

Best Websites to Checkout Which YouTube Channels are Best for You.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. List of five best sites to check out YouTube Channels
    1. FindAChannel
    2. Similar Channels
    3. TubeFilter
    4. YouTube Learn
    5. Social Blade Charts
  3. Conclusion


  1. Introduction

Today YouTube like all other media platforms has information overload and users struggles to navigate to the relevant sites. Most often the sites that are recommended by YouTube do not meet the needs of the user. In this article we introduce you to other smart ways to get to relevant YouTube Channels easily.

Good news is that the days of getting irrelevant recommendations and subscribing to channels that don’t add value to you are over once you know what to do. A number of sites now have a directory of all channels on YouTube and enables you to filter or search them. Others use crowdsourced recommendations to find similar channels. Below is a list of the top five websites where you can cut through the junk and get to the most relevant YouTube channel that you are looking for.

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1. FindAChannel : This is a YouTube Channels Directory With Advanced Search possibilities.

With over 50 million channels on YouTube, the chances of navigating to worthless channels are so high. Findachannel tried to solve this problem by indexing more than  210,000 unique channels worth knowing about.

It assist you to search, sort, or filter channels in creative ways. For example, you can set how many subscribers the channel should have, how many videos they have uploaded, how many times they have been viewed, and when it started. You can also set the “gravity” for low, medium, or high, which is FAC’s estimation of how engaging a channel’s content is.

It also has an  Explore Channels section, where you’ll find great lists made with these creative filtering options. For example, “Rising Stars” lists 100 YouTube channels that were started in the last three years and already have between 1,000 and 25,000 subscribers. Or there are channels with many subscribers but very few videos uploaded.

Every list shows the channel’s name, their “About” section description, and their total videos, subscribers, views, and estimated monthly earnings. And you can always use the “Random Channel” button to stumble upon a cool creator.

2. Similar Channels: This Website Assist You to Find Similar YouTube Channels Recommended by People

On Similar Channels you find channels similar to a popular YouTube creator, as the name suggests. But unlike the YouTube algorithm, all channel suggestions here come from regular people, and anyone can also upvote and downvote these suggestions to get the best ranking.

Search for a channel, and you’ll find basic information about it (like subscribers, views, and number of videos posted) along with a list of similar channels added by other users. Again, this list shows the same basic information for each channel, ranked by user votes. If you sign up, you can choose to be notified when anyone adds new suggestions.

It further lets users create collections of channels, and anyone can browse them. This is a cool way to discover YouTube creators around a particular theme, even though they might not appear as similar channels.

You can browse Similar Channels by categories such as technology, food, sport, knowledge, music, gaming, and several other popular genres on YouTube. It also allows you to  navigate from a random channel, to perhaps discover a new favorite.

3. TubeFilter : This Website Assist You To Find YouTube Millionaires, Weekly Top-Viewed Channels, and Awards


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TubeFilter has been in the lamplight writing about YouTube channels since 2007. It is now  one of the best resources for YouTube creators to find out more about the Creator Economy. Its primary purpose isn’t to help you find new channels, but it offers a great way to discover creators.

In its weekly YouTube Millionaires section, TubeFilter profiles channels that have recently crossed the one million subscriber mark. Along with a brief description of why the videos are worth watching, they also interview the creator for more insights.

It’s amazing  “Top 50 Most Viewed YouTube Channels Worldwide” is also worth exploring.  You’ll find a fantastic new channel weekly on the Top Gainers section of the TubeFilter Website.

Finally, TubeFilter also hosts the annual Streamy Awards to honor leading creators. Analysing the list of its previous winners on the website would assist you to identify  possible channels worth subscribing to across several categories and genres.

4. YouTube Learn: This Site Handpicks The Best Educational Channels on YouTube

YouTube gives opportunities for experts in various fields to share their best advice and lessons for free. YouTube Learn is a hand-picked curation of the best YouTube channels to learn new skills, but only in English.

You can use the search bar to find what you’re looking for or browse by categories such as design, programming, science, mathematics, social studies, business, finance, startup, film, video editing, photography, music, fitness, yoga, and personal development. Some have sub-categories, like science being broken into astronomy, biology, physics, chemistry, and “the best science channels on YouTube.”

The final list is quick and easy to browse. You’ll find the channel’s name and link, along with a one-line description that perfectly sums up what you need to know. YouTube Learn is a truly nifty resource, and you can even request to add a skill that’s not yet on the site.

5. Social Blade Charts: Top 100 Rankings of YouTube Channels

Social Blade tracks user statistics on YouTube. In order to get advanced analytics you need premium subscription that are useful for marketing or sales, but for lay users, the free-to-view Social Blade “Top Lists” work as a Billboard Top 100 chart for YouTube channels.

By default, you can view the top 100 subscribed YouTube channels sorted by subscribers or video views. Social Blade also shows you the number of videos uploaded on the channel and gives it a grade to say how influential it is right now. You can expand this list to show up to the top 5,000 YouTube Creators right now.

Social Blade shows you the top 100 channels by country or categories like auto and vehicles, film, gaming, news and politics, music, how to and style, science and technology, sport, travel, and more. Finally, you can also see the top 500 gainers on YouTube in the past day, week, or month, to find new channels you might want to follow.


While it remains challenging to get the best YouTube channels to subscribe directly by browsing YouTube, using the above top websites makes it easy for you to get what you need from YouTube. You can now officially and directly download videos with YouTube Premium, but it doesn’t make it easy. Especially if you have discovered a new channel, you might want to download all their videos so you can watch them on a commute or while working out. Or you might want to simply download any new video the channel posts.

For some reason, YouTube doesn’t have any easy option for this. It’s annoying and frustrating. For now, the best workaround is to make a playlist of all the videos on a channel and then use one of the best YouTube playlist downloaders.

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